
the hurt that lives on the inside

my areas of expertise

  • High functioning depression

    As chaotic as high-functioning depression feels inside, the outside picture can present very differently. On the outside you may be managing school, your job or even your relationships. However, on the inside you realize you are hiding your low mood, energy and chronic unhappiness.

    High-functioning depression is a real issue for many people. If you are one of these people, know that there’s always a reason to hope. There are coping tools, treatments and people out there ready to support your recovery. It’s never too late to acknowledge the signs and reach out.

  • Shame

    Are you tired of extreme self-consciousness, the self-critical thoughts, and endless internal judgements about yourself and never feeling “good enough”? Shame is your worst nightmare talking to you all the time about the ever-present list of limitations in your life.

    Toxic shame stems from internalizing abuse that others have inflicted on you and believing that you are somehow worthless, and this becomes the background music of your life.

    The truth is you are worthy of empathy, love, connection, and acceptance.

Marx Mental Health therapy for depression

sometimes depression looks “normal”

could i have a depressive disorder?

Expert psychotherapy for depression in Northwest Houston including Tomball, Spring, Cypress and The Woodlands, Texas

Depression can sometimes make it hard for us to wake up in the morning and go about our day, difficult to engage with others, or able to experience joy and pleasure. Sometimes we can function at work, or school but feel completely drained by the end of the day. Depression is more than just feeling sad or lonely it affects how you feel about yourself too.

Like many conditions, different people will experience depression in different ways. If you think you or someone you love might be experiencing a depressive disorder, or is experiencing some of the following symptoms for several weeks, it might be time to seek help.

Hidden Symptoms of Depression

  • You detach from painful emotions by staying in your head and actively shutting them off.

  • You focus on the well-being of others, but don’t allow them into your inner world.

  • You discount or dismiss hurt or sorrow and struggle with self-compassion

  • You enjoy success with a professional structure but struggle with emotional intimacy in relationships.

Common Depression Symptoms in Adults

  • Feeling sad or “empty” mood, tearfulness

  • Lack of energy, fatigue after normal activity

  • Appetite changes, including overeating or loss of appetite

  • Changes in sleep patterns

  • Trouble concentrating or remembering.

  • Irritability/anger

  • Losing interest in activities you usually enjoy

Marx Mental Health can Help with Your Depression

Therapy for depression can help you understand what is at the root of your own experience. By expanding your awareness and understanding, you can make sense of what your depression symptoms are telling you. Marx Mental Health can help you make sense of your unique experience, understanding who you are, not only what you have. If you or a loved are experiencing symptoms of depression, don’t let it go untreated. Kristi Marx will help you explore your treatment options and develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

There is hope

Depression Disorders can affect anyone at any age. Targeted therapy can help you manage your depressed feelings.

Specialized help for Caregivers with depression

I’m here to help

Caring for a loved one strains the most resilient. It is estimated that 25% of family caregivers suffer from depression which is twice the rate of the general population. Don’t carry the burden alone.

don’t wait to get help for depression

Marx Mental Health provides expert Depression Disorder Treatment in Northwest Houston including Tomball, Spring, Cypress and The Woodlands, Texas

Depression, also known as Major Depressive Disorder or Clinical Depression, is a common but serious mental health condition that affects millions of adults in the United States each year.

Depression is more than “feeling sad” or “feeling blue” once in awhile. It’s something that you have difficulty “snapping out of”. Depression includes disruptive symptoms that negatively affect how you think, feel and relate to others which often disrupt work, sleep, relationships, nutrition, and social wellbeing. The good news is that Depression is one of the most treatable mental health issues. Cognitive Behavior psychotherapy can help relieve symptoms and greatly improve their quality of life at home, at work or at school.

Depression Facts

  • 80-90% of patients respond well to treatment for depression

  • Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in the U.S., affecting an estimated one in 15 adults each year.

  • Symptoms of depression affect all areas of life and include feeling sad but not knowing why, loss of interest in activities, low energy, poor sleep and more.

  • Depression and anxiety commonly occur together

  • Treatment for Depressive Disorders can include talk-therapy, medication, lifestyle changes or a combination of each of these.

rise above the shadows: find your joy.

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